
校友 & 朋友的杂志



Jill Moorhead, BSVC ' 01 | 2024年4月11日


当阿里(Araps) Hovan,博鳌亚洲论坛2007届联合创始人 HiHO酿酒公司. 在凯霍加瀑布, 在丹佛教美术, 她和她的伴侣夜夜笙歌, 周末和休息时间去科罗拉多探险, 沿途发现啤酒厂.

鲍比·斯莱特里之后, 二元同步通信04年, 毕业, his promotional marketing job allowed him to visit Michigan’s Bell’s Brewery 和 others, 激励他敞开心扉 五十西酿酒公司. 在Chillicothe.

“人们为了精酿啤酒而旅行. 他们探索啤酒厂,”他说 燃烧啤酒厂 & 酒吧 Keith 杰克逊, BS, 2005年BSVC. “I figured that if we were [in Pickerington, east of Columbus], maybe we’d be the first stop.”

Travel leads to beer; beer leads to travel. And as Laura Sowers, BSED ’07, recently discovered with the 2023 launch of the newbb电子平台酿造小径在美国,很多路都通往俄亥俄州.

Looking for alumni-owned businesses is paramount to Sowers’ work as the senior associate director of alumni relations 和 campus partnerships with the newbb电子平台校友会 (OUAA). When she learned that many of Ohio’s craft breweries were owned by OHIO alumni, the Trail—a collective of 27 alumni-owned breweries—was born.

使用穿越徒步术语和图像, Trail奖励参与者有品牌的贴纸, 啤酒厂的啤酒杯和t恤. 办理入住手续, the hops-seeking trekkers scan a QR code on a “Trail Blaze” sign at a participating brewery. 截至2023年12月, 在Trail启动五个月后, 超过500名选民参加了投票. “我们的目标是100,”索尔斯说.


newbb电子平台 alumni’s love for craft beer is no surprise. 但拥有一家啤酒厂不仅仅是对ipa的偏爱. For many Trail proprietors, an OHIO 教育 made brewing a natural next step in their careers.

杰克逊, 他和妻子一起创立了燃烧公司, 莎拉·杰克逊, BA ’04, leaned on both his cartography 和 publication design degrees when launching their business. 他说:“我利用了我在白宫得到的培训 视觉传达学院] to provide input on our logo design 和 graphics for Combustion Brewing. And underst和ing that language helps with ongoing graphics,他说.

His cartography 教育 also aided in location selection, 考虑人口结构, average household incomes 和 physical sense of place to make the call. “At the time, there were 20,000 people in the city of Pickerington. 而我们正处于这一切的中心. We had a lot of people within 3 or 4 miles of us, which was important,” 杰克逊 says.

在课堂之外学到的经验,特别是在课堂上 姐妹会和兄弟会生活帮助斯莱特里创建了“五十西部”. The organizational communications major was the social chair of his fraternity, 负责组织人们参加活动. 这很容易等同于他经营《newbb电子》的角色. “I come up with creative br和s 和 beers to attract new clientele,他说. “[During rush], I was selling my fraternity, 和 now I’m selling Fifty West. It’s all those things I’ve done in college—it hasn’t changed. 只是换了个牌子而已.”

Slattery likes that the Trail connects him to fellow alumni. “People see the [Trail Blaze] sign 和 are proud to tell you that they were part of the same experience you’ve had in your life,他说.

“I grew up with an interest in craft beer 和 was in Colorado during Denver’s craft beer boom,Hovan说。, 谁在2017年1月联合创立了HiHO. “I was an art teacher by day 和 a craft beer connoisseur by night.” She credits her 教育 with developing her creative problem-solving skills. “Some of my favorite classes were coming up with new ideas 和 interpreting things in different ways,她说。, 这就是经营企业的方式.”

Hovan values the connections 和 collaboration the Trail facilitates 和 feels that many of her fellow Trail proprietors have a similar ethos. “我觉得我们是一个社区的一部分,”她说. “如果我有问题, 我可以打电话给啤酒厂路上的任何人, 和 they’d pick up the phone 和 give me their honest opinion.”

People see the [Trail Blaze] sign 和 are proud to tell you that they were part of the same experience you’ve had in your life.


协作 & 教育

Many of the Trail brewers have called upon a person who could be considered the “OG” of craft brewing in 雅典 和 Ohio at large: 安德鲁·阿瑟·奥斯特里克, BSED, BA ’01, MA ’08, better known as Art 和 the owner of 杰基的阿 (前身为O 'Hooley 's Irish Pub, 雅典第一家精酿啤酒厂, 它最初于90年代末开业). Slattery of Fifty West is one such example; he called Oestrike 和 Brad Clark, BA ’06, Jackie O 's的前首席酿酒师, 帮他下水. (克拉克搬到了圣克鲁斯, 加州, in early 2019 和 now runs the club-based Private Press Brewing.)

奥斯特莱克完全同意参加Trail. “Bobcats are all over the state 和 in every industry,他说. “It’s wild how many different [OHIO alumni] operate or work in breweries around the state. And anything we can do to tie together Bobcats, we tend to do. 这是一个双赢的局面.”

Oestrike purchased O’Hooley’s in 2005 和 relaunched it as 杰基的阿 in honor of his mother, 杰基Oestrike, in 2007. His vast experience 和 growing brewery footprint make him a natural 和 prolific source of information about brewing. Today, Oestrike also teaches the Art of Craft Brewing course as part of OHIO’s 精酿证书 程序. (参见下面的“从实验室到窖藏”.) His class teaches students about his business model in a h和s-on, 在地学习环境.

在雅典有几家店面, Oestrike turned to downtown Columbus for his newest venture, 去年春天开业. “There are more OHIO alumni living in Greater Columbus than there are humans of drinking age in 雅典,他开玩笑说。.

Jackie O在第四大街, named for the street where it’s located, is also the fourth location for the br和 (住宅区的创始人酒店餐厅 在联合街及 啤酒屋和啤酒厂 on Campbell Street, all in 雅典), making it the largest brewery operation on the Trail.

另外三个并列第二名: 小鱼酿酒有限公司. (雅典和代顿), Combustion (Pickerington 和 Columbus) 和 Fifty West (Chillicothe 和 Cincinnati). But with a supportive network of fellow alumni proprietors on the newbb电子平台酿造小径, future brewers completing the 精酿证书 each year, 和 a plethora of OHIO alumni connoisseurs across the state 和 beyond, 天空可能就是精酿啤酒爱好者的极限.





In 2011, 迈克尔举行, BS ’98, 04年博士, an active homebrewer 和 associate professor in chemistry 和 biochemistry at OHIO, 想知道如何把科学带给更广泛的受众. 他的回答? 啤酒.

Held developed a set of core brewing courses that are now part of OHIO’s 精酿证书, which uses a hybrid lab 和 lecture curriculum to teach the science behind the suds.

为了他们的顶点项目, students design a beer recipe that is analyzed from a technical st和point. The winning recipe is then small-batch brewed by 杰基的阿 for 俄亥俄啤酒周自2005年以来,该活动每年在雅典举行. 最近的赢家, 化学专业学生迪伦·盖森的《newbb电子平台》, 被Jackie O 's选为 官方2023年啤酒桶开凿仪式 开始为期一周的俄亥俄精酿啤酒庆祝活动.

文理学院证书, 适用于本科和研究生水平, offers two pathways: the science of brewing 和 the entrepreneurial aspects of running a brewery. 需要在啤酒厂实习完成. 据统计,俄亥俄州有350多家啤酒厂 俄亥俄州精酿啤酒协会那应该不难找到.
